Code Group Description
00999999 Unknown Hot Check One Inst > ,000
0217204 Agricultural-Laws Viol. Publ Grain Warehouse
0303201 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Furnishing Intox Liq to minor
0303202 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Sale Alcoh. Bev Minor 2 Of
0303204 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Allow Minor Handle Alcohol Bev
0303205 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Sale of Intox Liq W/O License.
0303207 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Sale Liq to Person Fail Provid
0303210 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Sale of Alcohol on Sunday
0303211 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Sale of Alcohol on Christmas
0303216 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Possession/Sale Untaxed Liquor
0303305 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Illegal Trans of Liq Motor Veh
0303306 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Possession Liq - Dry Territory
0303309 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Procur Liq in Dry Territory
0303310 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Solicit Order Liq in Dry Terr
0303402 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Illicit Still
0308312 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Alcohol Sale in Dry County (Subq Offense)
031103 Campaign Practices Person W/ Rec. Sign Pol.Pl
031105 Campaign Practices Viol. Of Pol. Practice Act
0502403 Inchoate Offenses Accomplices
0503201 Inchoate Offenses Criminal Attempt
0503301 Inchoate Offenses Criminal Solicitation
0503401 Inchoate Offenses Criminal Conspiracy
0504309 Probation Revocation Probation Revocation
0504501 Habitual Offender Habitual Offender
0504501C Habitual Offender Habitual Offender Act 1009
0504501D Habitual Offender Habitual Offender Act 1009
0504702 Assault And Battery Offense com. presence of child
0510101 Homicide Capital Murder
0510102 Homicide Murder-1st Degree
0510103 Homicide Murder-2nd Degree
0510104 Homicide Manslaughter
0510105 Homicide Negligent Homicide
0511102 Kidnapping And Related Offense Kidnapping
0511103 Kidnapping And Related Offense False Imprisonment 1st Deg
0511104 Kidnapping And Related Offense False Imprisonment-2nd Deg
0511105 Kidnapping And Related Offense Vehicular Piracy
0511106 Kidnapping And Related Offense Permanent Detention
0512102 Robbery Robbery
0512103 Robbery Aggravated Robbery
0513201 Assault And Battery Battery-1st Degree
0513202 Assault And Battery Battery-2nd Degree
0513203 Assault And Battery Battery 3rd Deg.(Enhanced).
0513204 Assault And Battery Aggravated Assault
0513205 Assault And Battery Assault - First Degree
0513206 Assault And Battery Assault 2nd Degree
0513207 Assault And Battery Assault - Third Degreee
0513210 Assault And Battery Intro C/S In Body/Another
0513211 Assault And Battery Agg Assault on Corr, Empl
0513301 Assault And Battery Terroristic Threat.1st Deg
0513302 Assault And Battery Terroristic Threat.2nd Deg
0513310 Assault And Battery Terroristic Act
0514103 Sexual Offenses Rape
0514104 Sexual Offenses Carnal Abuse-1st Degree
0514105 Sexual Offenses Carnal Abuse-2nd Degree
0514106 Sexual Offenses Carnal Abuse-3rd Degree
0514107 Sexual Offenses Sexual Misconduct
0514108 Sexual Offenses Sexual Abuse-1st Degree
0514109 Sexual Offenses Sexual Abuse-2nd Degree
0514110 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Sexual Solic. Of A Child
0514110A Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Sexual Indecency With A Child
0514111 Sexual Offenses Public Sexual Indeceny
0514112 Sexual Offenses Indecent Exposure
0514120 Sexual Offenses Viol. Of Minor-1st Degree
0514121 Sexual Offenses Viol. Of Minor-2nd Degree
0514123 Sexual Offenses Exposing One To HIV Virus
0514124 Sexual Offenses Sexual Assault 1st Degree
0514125 Sexual Offenses Sexual Assault 2nd Degree
0514126 Sexual Offenses Sexual Assault 3rd Degree
0514127 Sexual Offenses Sexual Assault 4th Degree
0514128 Sexual Offenses Reg Sex offend near cert facl
0514131 Theft Registered Sex Offender Living Near Victim
0514132 Theft Registered Sex Offender Prohibited from Entering School Camp
0515101 Slander Slander
0515102 Slander Slander - Adultery/Fornic
0515103 Slander Slander - False Swearing
0515104 Slander Proclaiming One A Coward
0515105 Slander Slander - Other Statements
0526201 Offense Involving Family Bigamy
0526202 Offense Involving Family Incest
0526203 Offense Involving Family Concealing Birth
0526301 Offense Involving Family Wife Battering-1st Degree
0526301 Offense Involving Family Wife Battering-1st Degree
0526301 Offense Involving Family Wife Battering-1st Degree
0526302 Offense Involving Family Wife Battering-2nd Degree
0526303 Offense Involving Family Domestic Battering 1st
0526303 Offense Involving Family Domestic Battering 1st
0526304 Offense Involving Family Domestic Battering 2nd Deg
0526305 Offense Involving Family Domestic Battering 3rd Deg
0526306 Offense Involving Family Agg Asslt On Fam/Household
0526401 Offense Involving Family Non-Support
0526501 Offense Involving Family Interference With Visitat.
0526502 Offense Involving Family Interference With Custody
0526503 Offense Involving Family Interference with Custody (felony)
0527201 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Endgr Welf Incomp.1st Deg
0527203 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Endgr Welf.Of Minor 1st Dg
0527205 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Endgr Welf.Of Minor 1st Dg
0527221 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Permitting Child Abuse
0527229 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Solicit Money/Property from Incompetent
0527230 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Expose Child to Chem Substance
0527303 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Eng.Child Sex Expct Condt
0527304 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Trans/Dist.Mat.Depi.Child
0527305 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Tran.Minor Proh.Conduct
0527306 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Internet Stalking
0527306A Theft Internet Stalking - Felony A
0527306A Theft Internet Stalking - Felony A
0527306A Theft Internet Stalking - Felony A
0527306B Theft Internet Stalking - Felony B
0527306C Theft Internet Stalking - Felony C
0527402 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Empl.Author Child<17 Sex
0527403 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Pro/Dir Perf Sex Under 17
0527502 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Fraud ID Unlawful to Manf Personal ID
0527502 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Fraud ID Unlawful to Manf Personal ID
0527602 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Dist/Poss/View Sex Explicit
0527603 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Computer Child Pornography
0527605 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Computer Exploitation of Child
0528103 Abuse Of Adults Abuse Of Adults
0536103 Theft Theft Of Property
0536104 Theft Theft Of Services
0536105 Theft Theft Prop.Lost/MIS/Ect.
0536106 Theft Theft By Receiving
0536108 Theft Unauth Use of Motor Vehicle
0536115 Theft Theft Of Leased Property
0536123 Theft Theft of Scrap Metal
0536202 Theft Theft Of Public Benefits
0536303 Theft Theft Of Wireless Services
0536304 Theft Theft Wireless Serv. Facility
0537201 Forgery Forgery
0537202 Forgery Falsifying Business Records
0537203 Forgery Defraud Secured Creditor
0537204 Forgery Fraud In Insolvency
0537207 Forgery Fraud Use Of Credit Card
0537208 Forgery Criminal Impersonation
0537209 Forgery Poss. Of Forgery Device
0537210 Forgery Obtain Sign. By Deception
0537211 Forgery Defraud Judgement Creditor
0537212 Forgery Unlaw Use Slugs 0/100
0537213 Forgery Criminal Simulation
0537227 Forgery Financial Identity Fraud
0537302 Forgery Hot Check Violation
0537305 Forgery Hot Check Violation
0537402 Theft Theft Of Cable Tv Services
0537402 Forgery Theft Of Cable Tv Services
0537502 Forgery Mark/Alter Brand Animal
0537503 Forgery False Reg./Pedigree Animal
0537510 Forgery Unauth Copy/Sale Recording
0537524 Forgery Fraud MV Transp/Prop.
0537525 Forgery Defrauding A Materialman
0538202 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Causing A Catastrophe
0538202D Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Threat to Cause Catastrophe
0538203 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Criminal Mischief-1st Deg
0538204 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Criminal Mischief 2nd Deg
0538205 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Impair Oper.Vital Pub.Fac
0538301 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Arson
0538302 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Reckless Burning
0538311 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Unlawful Burning - Misc Felonies
0539201 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Burglary
0539201B Slander Residential Burglary
0539201C Slander Commercial Burglary
0539202 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Breaking And Entering
0539203 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Criminal Trespass
0539204 Theft Aggravated Residential Burglary
0539211 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Mining In A Cemetery
0539401 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Destroy/Take Cemetary Mark
0541103 Forgery Computer Fraud
0541104 Forgery Computer Trespass
0542204 Forgery Use Prop./Laund Crim Proc
0551201 Kidnapping And Related Offense Treason
0551204 Kidnapping And Related Offense Usurping Government
0551303 Kidnapping And Related Offense Injury/Interf W/Gov Prop.
0551304 Kidnapping And Related Offense Defective Workmanship
0552103 Corruption Of Public Office Public Servant Bribery
0553102 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Perjury
0553108 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Witness Bribery
0553109 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Intimidating A Witness
0553111 Kidnapping And Related Offense Tamper With Phys.Evid.
0553112 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Retaliation Agnst Informnt
0553113 Kidnapping And Related Offense Juror Bribery
0553114 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Intimidating A Juror
0553115 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Jury Tampering
0553133 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Approach Jury Commissioner
0553134 Slander Viol of Protection Order
0553202 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Threaten Judicial Offl / Juror
0554102 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Obstruct Government Operation
0554104 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Inter. W/Law Enforce. Off
0554105 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Hinder Appreh. Or Prosec.
0554106 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Aid Consumation Of Offense
0554107 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Compounding
0554110 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Escape-1st Degree
0554111 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Escape-2nd Degree
0554112 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Escape - 3rd Degree
0554113 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Permitting Escape - 1st Degree
0554116 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Aiding Unauthorized Departure
0554117 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Furn. Implement Escape
0554118 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Furn. Impl. Unauth. Depart
0554119 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Furnish. Prohibited Art.
0554120 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Failure To Appear
0554121 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Tampering W/Public Record
0554122 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Filing A False Report
0554125 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Fleeing
0554126 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Kill Animal Used By Law En
0554127 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Officer Fail Exec. Process
0554131 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Absconding
0554202A Assault And Battery Solicit Mat'l Supt - Terrorism
0554202B Assault And Battery Provide Mat'l Supt - Terrorism
0554203 Assault And Battery Making a Terrorist Threat
0554204 Assault And Battery Falsely Making Terror Threat
0554205 Assault And Battery Terrorism
0554207 Assault And Battery Hinder Prosecution - Terrorism
0554208 Assault And Battery Expose Public to Toxic Substnc
0554209 Assault And Battery Use of a Hoax Substance
0555103 Medicaid Fraud Viol. Of Medicaid Fraud Ac
0555104 Medicaid Fraud Non-Maint Medicaid Records
0555301 Offense Involving Family Making a false statement to SSA
0556101 Illegal Food Coupons Traffic Illegal Food Coup.
0556102 Illegal Food Coupons Illegal Use Of Food Coupon
0556103 Illegal Food Coupons Illegal Pres.Food Coupons
0560101 Public Health,Safety & Welfare Abuse Of A Corpse
0560110 Public Health,Safety & Welfare Fail To Relq Phone In Emer
0560111 Public Health,Safety & Welfare Comm. False Alarm Cb Radio
0561101 Abortion Induce Abort.W/O Med Lic
0561102 Abortion Drug Induced Abortion
0561102 Abortion Drug Induced Abortion
0561203 Abortion Partial Birth Abortion
0562103 Animals Cruelty to Animals - 4th or Subq Offense w/in 5 years
0562104 Animals Aggravated Cruelty to Animals
0562120 Animals Unlawful Animal Fighting
0562124 Animals Unlawful Bear Exploitation
05641101 Controlled Substance Possession Of Ephedrine
05641102 Controlled Substance Poss W/Intent To Manufact.
05641103 Theft Sales Limits for Ephedrine
05641301 Controlled Substance Poss Anhydrous Ammonia in Unlawful Containers
0564401 Controlled Substance Man.Delv.Poss Cont Subs
0564402 Controlled Substance Failure Keep Record Distr.
0564403 Controlled Substance Fraud Etc Drug Paraphern.
0564406 Controlled Substance Dist Of Cont/Sub To Minor
0564407 Controlled Substance Manuf. of Methamphetamine in Presence of Certain Persons
0564411 Controlled Substance Dist Near Crtn Facilities
0564412 Controlled Substance Viol By Certain Persons
0564414 Controlled Substance Cont. Criminal Enterprise
0564415 Controlled Substance Man/Poss/Del Drug Precurs.
0564417 Controlled Substance Use Of Communication Fac.
0564418 Controlled Substance Manu. Meth w/minor present
0564802 Controlled Substance Conduct Ill. Drg/Para Bus.
0565103 DWI Viol Of DWI 4th Offense
0565111 DWI DWI 5
0566103 Gambling,Lottery Keeping a Gambling House
0566115 Gambling,Lottery Bribery of a Sports Participant
0566117 Gambling,Lottery Unlawful Wagering on Horse Racing
0566119 Gambling,Lottery Prom. Or Oper. Lottery
0568203 Obscentity Exhibit/Sell Obscene Films
0568303 Obscentity Promoting Obscene Material
0568304 Obscentity Promoting Obscene Perf.
0568305 Obscentity Obsce.Perf.Live Public Sho
0568307 Obscentity Pub.Disp.Hard Core Sex Cnd
0568405 Obscentity Sale Or Distr. Obscene Mat
0570104 Prostitution Promoting Prostst. 1st Dg
0571202 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Aggravated Riot
0571203 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Inciting Riot - Causes Injury to Person or Damage to Prop
0571204 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Arming Rioters
0571208 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Harassment
0571210 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Communicating False Alarm
0571211 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Threat Fire Or Bomb
0571212 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Public Intoxication
0571215 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Deface Obj Of Pub Respect
0571229 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Stalking
0571302 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Promoting Civil Disorder - 1st Degree
0572109 Water And Water Courses Injuring Levees
0572111 Water And Water Courses Make Cutoff On Miss. River
0573102 Weapons Poss Instrument of Crime
0573103 Weapons Poss. Firearm Certain Pers
0573104 Weapons Criminal Use Proh. Weapon
0573106 Weapons Defacing a Firearm
0573107 Weapons Poss Of Defaced Of Firearm
0573108 Weapons Criminal Poss. Of Explos.
0573109 Weapons Furn Deadly Wep To A Minor
0573119 Weapons Poss. Of Firearm - School
0573120 Weapons Carrying a Weapon
0573122 Weapons Poss Firearm Pub. Facility
0573126 Weapons Booby Trap Unlawful
0573129 Weapons Furn Deadly Weap To Felon
0573131 Weapons Poss Weapon Incar. Person
0573202 Weapons Viol. Of Unif. Machine Gun
0573204 Weapons Possession Of Machine Gun
0573211 Weapons Commit Crime W/Machine Gun
0573211 Weapons Commit Crime W/Machine Gun
0574104 Gang Related Activities Engage In Gang Org/Enterpr
0574105 Gang Related Activities Use Anoth's Prop For Crime
0574106 Gang Related Activities Simul. Poss Of Drg/Firearm
0574107 Gang Related Activities Discharge Firearm Vehicle
0574108 Gang Related Activities Engage Viol Crim Grp Act
0574203 Gang Related Activities Solicit Minor To Join Gang
0575102 DWI Opr Aircraft W/Intoxicated
0701104 Campaign Practices Election Felonies
0705405 Campaign Practices False Stmt On Voting Affid
0705702 Campaign Practices Pres Of Ballots,Stubs,Cert
0706102 Campaign Practices Falsely Signing Political Pledge
0706104 Campaign Practices Viol Politicl Parctice Act
0709109 Campaign Practices False Info Petition Verify
0804201 Environmental Law Viol PC&E Commission Law
0807204 Environmental Law Leave/Remove Viol Hwm Act
0808205 Environmental Law Leave After Violate Hazardous Waste Mgmt Act
0909206 Adoption Accepting Compensation For Adoption
1109106 Forgery Employee - Workers Comp Fraud
1109107 Forgery Employer - Workers Comp Fraud
12-12-1002(b)and(c ) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Unauthorized release or disclosure of criminal database info
12-12-1002(c) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Unauth Release/Disclosure of Criminal Database Info
12-12-1720 Forgery False Reporting of Adult Abuse (Subq)
12-12-212(b) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Release/Disclosure to Unauthorized Person
12-12-904(a)(1)(A)(iv) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Sex Offender Failing to Reg - Filing False Paperwork or Doc
12-18-203 Forgery Making a false report under the Child Maltreatment Act
1212212 Slander Disclose To Unauth Person
1212504 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Child Abuse Reporting
1212904 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Failure To Register
1212906 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Fail to Rgstr Sex Ofndr Nm Cha
13-02-803(a)and(b)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Unauthorized Removal/Willful Mutilation of Library Materials
13-6-308(1) Corruption Of Public Office Vandalizing an Archeological Site and Artifacts>,000
13-6-308(1) 2ND OR SUB Corruption Of Public Office Vandalizing an Archeological Site and Artifacts>,000 2nd
13-6-406 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Trading or Collecting Skeletal Remains (1st)
13-6-406 2ND Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Trading or Collecting Skeletal Remains (2nd)
13-6-407 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Display of Skeletal Remains
13-6-408 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Desecration of Burial Grounds
13-6-408 2ND OR SUB Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Desecration of Burial Grounds (2nd or Subq)
1543137 Hunting And Fishing Laws Use Intox/Stupefy Subs.
1543317 Hunting And Fishing Laws Use Intox/Stupefy Substances
16-84-114 Abuse Of Adults Violation of Bail Bond Agent Law
1690120 Gang Related Activities Felony With Firearm
1690121 Gang Related Activities Deadly Weapon
17-23-103 Precious Metals Precious Metals Violate Buyers Act Value>0
17-26-602(i)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Performing Body Art In Unlicensed Facility
17-44-102(f)(2)(B)(iii) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Violation of Scrap Metal Recycler Law
1720103 Precious Metals Viol Of Precious Metal Act
1723103 Precious Metals Viol Of Precious Metal Act
18-44-132 Mechanics And Materialmen's Li Failure to Discharge Lien
1844101 Mechanics And Materialmen's Li Failure To Discharge Liens
19-11-270 Medicaid Fraud Violation of State Procurement Laws
1911707 Public Finance Gratuities And Kickbacks
20-27-1502(f)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Unlawful to Perform Body Art on Person<18
20-27-1502(g)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Unlawful to Perform Body Art on Person<18 in unlicensed
20-27-1503(e)(6) Corruption Of Public Office Body Art Studio or Business Owner Operate w/o license
20-32-103(a) Abuse Of Adults Disposal of Commercial Medical Waste
20-64-220 1ST Judical And Other Off.Proc. Violation of Uniform Narcotic Drug Act (1st)
20-64-220 2ND Judical And Other Off.Proc. Violation of Uniform Narcotic Drug Act (2nd)
20-64-220 3RD OR SUB Judical And Other Off.Proc. Violation of Uniform Narcotic Drug Act (3rd or Subq)
20-64-304(a)(1) Offense Involving Family Fraud Obtaining Depressant or Stimulant Drug (1st)
20-64-304(a)(2) Offense Involving Family Fraud Obtaining Depressant or Stimulant Drug (2nd)
20-64-304(a)(3) Offense Involving Family Fraud Obtaining Depressant or Stimulant Drug (3rd)
20-7-611(b)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Submit Fraudulent Prescription Mont Info
20-7-611(c)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Unlawful Disclosure of Prescription Mon Info by Auth Person
20-7-611(d)(1)and(d)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Act
20-7-611(e)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Obtain Use Disclose Prescription Mon Info by Auth Person
20161002 Abortion Human Cloning
2016601 Abortion Induce Abort. W/O Med Lic
2018105 Forgery Unlawful Possession & Use of Birth Certificate
20271502 Corruption Of Public Office Unlawful to Perform Body Art on a Person Under Eightteen
2060214 Violation Meat Inspection Laws Sale/Disp Adulterated/Uninspected Meat
2064210 Controlled Substance Failure To Label Narcotic
2064211 Unknown Authorized Possession of Narcotic Drugs by Individuals
2064217 Controlled Substance Obtain Narc - Fraud/Deceit
2064220 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Violation of Uniform Narcotic Drug Act
2064304 Offense Involving Family Fraud Obtaining Depressant or Stimulant Drug
2064311 Controlled Substance Poss Drug W/O Prescription
23-55-806(a) Illegal Food Coupons Intentional Violation of Uniform money Services Act
23-55-806(b) Illegal Food Coupons Knowing Violation >0 w/in 30 Days of Uniform MSA
23-60-109 Forgery False/Misleading Statements Insurance
23-66-502 Securities-General Laws Fraudulent Insurance Acts (Subq. Offense)
23-66-512 Securities-General Laws Fraudulent Insurance Acts
23-69-134 Securities-General Laws Removal of Insurance Records
23115902 Theft Lottery Ticket Fraud/Fraudulent Influencing Lottery Winnings
23115903 Theft False Statement on Lottery License Application
2335805 Securities-General Laws Spread False Report About Credit Union
2339104 Securities-General Laws False Statement (Mortgage)
2339105 Securities-General Laws Viol Mort Loan/Broker Law
2342104 Securities-General Laws Securities Fraud
2342105 Securities-General Laws Securities Fraud
2342501 Securities-General Laws Sale Of Unregulated Securities
2342507 Securities-General Laws Securities Fraud
2360109 Forgery Filing False/Mislead Stmt
2365101 Securities-General Laws Unauthorized Insurance Transac
2366502 Securities-General Laws Fraudulent Insurance Act
2369134 Securities-General Laws Removal Insurance Records
26-18-201(a) State Tax Procedure Attempt to Evade or Defeat Tax-Taxpayer
26-18-201(b) State Tax Procedure Attempt to Evade or Defeat Tax-Assisting Taxpayer
26-57-245(a)(1) Theft Unstamped Products or Products with Unpaid Taxes
2618201 State Tax Procedure Attempt Evade/Defeat Tax
2618202 State Tax Procedure Failure To Pay/File Return
2618203 State Tax Procedure False/Fraudulent Report
2618204 State Tax Procedure False Answer Quest/Affidav
2618205 State Tax Procedure Failure To Obey Summons
27-101-703 Forgery Buying/Selling/Posssing Boating Eqmt W/O ID (Subq Offense)
27-101-704 Forgery Fraudulent Use of/Altering Boat ID
27-101-705 Forgery Possession Boating Eqmt w/ Multilated Boating ID
27-116-502 Forgery Operating Aircraft w/o ID Markings
27-51-101 Transportation-Laws Failure to Stop After Accident with Injury/Death
27-53-101(c) Abuse Of Adults Failure to Stop After Accident - Physical Injury
27-53-101(d) Abuse Of Adults Failure to Stop After Accident - Serious Injury or Death
27-53-102(d)(2) Illegal Food Coupons Failure to Stop Accident with Property Damage=> 000
27-65-132 Forgery Unlawful Contracting Between Hwy Commission & Employees
27-65-133 Forgery Corruption in Office by Hwy Commission Employees
27116502 Transportation-Laws Operate Prohib. Aircraft
27142210 Transportation-Laws Vehicles/Engines Without Serial Numbers
27142211 Transportation-Laws Altering/Changing Engine Numbers
27142212 Transportation-Laws Mutilation - Serial Number
2714307 Transportation-Laws False Evid.Title Or Regist
2752102 Transportation-Laws Interf.With Traf.Cont DV
2753101 Transportation-Laws Fail Stop Acc. Inj/Death
2753103 Transportation-Laws Duty Give Info/Render Aid
3-3-219 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Social hosts - Criminal liability (3rd or Subq)
41-2206 Unknown Murder in the Second Degree
410607 Sexual Offenses Assalt With Intent To Rape
410701 Inchoate Offenses Criminal Attempt
410705 Inchoate Offenses Criminal Solicitation
410707 Inchoate Offenses Criminal Conspiracy
410813 Sexual Offenses Sodomy
41120 Inchoate Offenses Accessory After The Fact
411208 Probation Revocation Probation Revocation
411501 Homicide Capital Murder
411502 Homicide Murder-1st Degree
411503 Homicide Murder-2nd Degree
411504 Homicide Manslaughter
411601 Assault And Battery Battery-1st Degree
411602 Assault And Battery Battery-2nd Degree
411604 Assault And Battery Aggravated Assault
411608 Assault And Battery Terroristic Threat.1st Deg
411651 Assault And Battery Terroristic Act
411653 Offense Involving Family Wife Battering-1st Degree
411653 Offense Involving Family Wife Battering-1st Degree
411654 Offense Involving Family Wife Battering-2nd Degree
411656 Offense Involving Family Aggrav. Assault On Wife
411656 Offense Involving Family Aggrav. Assault On Wife
411660 Weapons Booby Trap Unlawful
411702 Kidnapping And Related Offense Kidnapping
411703 Kidnapping And Related Offense False Imprisonment 1st Deg
411705 Kidnapping And Related Offense Vehicular Piracy
411706 Kidnapping And Related Offense Permanent Detention
411803 Sexual Offenses Rape
411804 Sexual Offenses Carnal Abuse-1st Degree
411805 Sexual Offenses Carnal Abuse-2nd Degree
411806 Sexual Offenses Carnal Abuse-3rd Degree
411808 Sexual Offenses Sexual Abuse-1st Degree
411826 Sexual Offenses Viol. Of Minor-1st Degree
411827 Sexual Offenses Viol. Of Minor-2nd Degree
411902 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Arson
411903 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Reckless Burning
411905 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Causing A Catastrophe
411906 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Criminal Mischief-1st Deg
411908 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Impair Oper.Vital Pub. Fac
411952 Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Set. Fire Land Intent Esc.
412002 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Burglary
412003 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Breaking And Entering
412102 Robbery Aggravated Robbery
412103 Robbery Robbery
412203 Theft Theft Of Property
412204 Theft Theft Of Services
412205 Theft Theft Prop. Lost/MIS/Etc.
412206 Theft Theft By Receiving
412209 Theft Theft Of Leased Property
412302 Forgery Forgery
412304 Forgery Defraud Secured Creditor
412305 Forgery Fraud In Insolvency
412308 Forgery Fraud Use Of Credit Card
412309 Forgery Unlaw Use Slugs 0/100
412311 Forgery Criminal Simulation
412312 Forgery Poss. Of Forgery Device
412313 Forgery Obtain Sign. By Deception
412314 Forgery Defraud Judgement Creditor
412374 Forgery Mark/Alter Brand Animal
412378 Forgery Fraud MV Transp/Prop.
412403 Offense Involving Family Incest
412405 Offense Involving Family Non-Support
412407 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Endgr Welf.Of Minor 1st Dg
412409 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Endgr Welf Incomp.1st Deg
412415 Offense Involving Family Interference With Visitat.
412416 Offense Involving Family Interference With Custody
412472 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Child Abuse
412551 Abortion Unlawful Induce Abortion
412561 Abortion Induce Abort.W/O Med Lic
412602 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Perjury
412608 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Witness Bribery
412609 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Intimidating A Witness
412611 Kidnapping And Related Offense Tamper With Phys. Evid.
412613 Kidnapping And Related Offense Juror Bribery
412614 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Intimidating A Juror
412615 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Jury Tampering
412653 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Approach Jury Commissioner
412654 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Pub Off Approach Jury Comm
412655 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Att. Appro. Jury Comm.
412703 Corruption Of Public Office Public Servant Bribery
412802 Homicide Obstruct Government Operations
412802 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Obstruct Government Operations
412804 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Inter. W/Law Enforce. Off.
412805 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Hinder Appreh. Or Prosec.
412806 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Aid Consumation Of Offense
412807 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Compounding
412810 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Escape-1st Degree
412811 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Escape-2nd Degree
412813 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Permitting Escape-1st Deg.
412815 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Aiding Unauthor. Departure
412817 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Furn. Implement Escape
412818 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Furn Impl. Unauth. Depart
412819 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Furnish. Prohibited Art.
412820 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Failure To Appear
412822 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Fleeing
412853 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Off. Fail. To Exec. Pro.
412903 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Aggrav. Riot
412904 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Inciting Riot
412905 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Arming Rioters
412911 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Communicating False Alarm
412912 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Threat Fire Or Bomb
412920 Public Health,Safety & Welfare Abuse Of A Corpse
412921 Public Health,Safety & Welfare Comm. False Alarm Cb Radio
412927 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Pro. Civil Disorder 1st Dg
412974 Public Health,Safety & Welfare Fail To Relq Phone In Emer
413004 Prostitution Promoting Prostit. 1st Dg
413103 Weapons Poss. Firearm Certain Pers
413104 Weapons Criminal Use Proh. Weapon
413106 Weapons Defacing Of Firearm
413108 Weapons Criminal Poss. Of Explos.
413157 Weapons Viol. Of Unif. Machine Gun
413203 Gambling,Lottery Unlaw Wager Horse Racing
413251 Gambling,Lottery Keeping A Gambling House
413287 Gambling,Lottery Prom. Or Oper. Lottery
413288 Gambling,Lottery Bribery Of Sports Part.
413454 Slander Proclaming One As A Coward
413455 Slander Slander
413565 Obscentity Sale Or Distr. Obscene Mat
413578 Obscentity Sale/Poss Of Oscene Film
413585.2 Obscentity Promoting Obscene Material
413585.3 Obscentity Promoting Obscene Perf.
413585.4 Obscentity Obsce.Perf.Live Public Sho
413585.6 Obscentity Pub.Disp.Hard Core Sex Cnd
413951 Kidnapping And Related Offense Treason
413955 Kidnapping And Related Offense Usurping Government
414057 Water And Water Courses Injuring Public Levee
414058 Water And Water Courses Injuring Levee Of Another
414064 Water And Water Courses Make Cutoff On Miss. River
414203 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Eng. Child Sex Expct Condt
414204 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Trans/Dist.Mat.Depi.Child
414205 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Tran.Minor Proh.Conduct
414207 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Empl.Author Child<17 Sex
414208 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Pro/Dir Perf Sex Under 17
414301 Illegal Food Coupons Traffic Illegal Food Coup.
414302 Illegal Food Coupons Illegal Use Of Food Coupon
414303 Illegal Food Coupons Illegal Pres. Food Coupons
414403 Medicaid Fraud Viol. Of Medicaid Fraud Ac
470409 Hunting And Fishing Laws Use Intox/Stupefy Subs.
480903 Alcoholic Beverage Laws Sale Alcoh. Bev. Minor 2of
5-064-439(b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Manufacture Controlled Substance Sched Vl => 4 oz < 25 lbs
5-10-104(a)(1)&(c) Homicide Manslaughter - Extreme Emotional Disturbance
5-10-104(a)(2)&(c) Homicide Manslaughter - Causes or Aids Suicide
5-10-104(a)(3)&(c) Homicide Manslaughter - Recklessly Causes Death
5-10-104(a)(4)&(c) Homicide Manslaughter - Negligence in Course of Felony
5-10-105(a)(1)(D)and(a)(2) Medicaid Fraud Negligent Homicide (While Fatigued)
5-10-106 Offense Involving Family Physician-assisted suicide
5-10-203 (a) and (b)(1) Homicide Death by Delivery - First Degree
5-10-204 (a) and (b)(1) Homicide Death by Delivery - Second Degree (A Felony)
5-13-202 (a)(3)(B)and(b)(1) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Battery 2nd Degree - Motor Vehicle or Motor Boat
5-13-202 (a)(3)(C) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Battery 2nd Degree -Recklessly Injure Victim <4 years of age
5-13-202(a)(3)(B) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Battery-2nd Degree Motor Vehicle or Motor Boat Alcohol .08 >
5-13-202(a)(4) Assault And Battery Battery-2nd Degree Certain Victims
5-13-204 (a)(2) Offense Involving Family Aggravated Assault - Purposely Displays Firearm
5-13-204 (a)(3) Offense Involving Family Agg Assault-Impdes/Prvnts Respiration/Circulation Prsn Blood
5-13-204(a)(1) Assault And Battery Aggravated Assault
5-13-210 Assault And Battery Intro Controlled into Body to commit sexual offense
5-13-211(a)(2)and(b)(2) Public Health,Safety & Welfare Aggr Assault Corrections/Law Enforcement Offc Disch Firearm
5-13-211(a)(b) Assault And Battery Agg Assault on Corr Empl
5-13-213 Assault And Battery Agg Assault Against 1st Responder
5-13-214(b)(1)&(b)(2)(A) Assault And Battery knowingly exposing another person to fentanyl 1st deg-victim
5-13-214(b)(1)&(b)(2)(B) Assault And Battery Knowingly exposing another person to fentanyl in the 1st deg
5-13-214(c)(1)&(c)(2)(A) Assault And Battery Knowingly exposing another person to fentanyl 2nd deg-victim
5-13-214(c)(1)&(c)(2)(B) Assault And Battery Knowingly exposing another person to fentanyl in the 2nd deg
5-13-301(a) Assault And Battery Terroristic Threatening-1st Degree
5-13-302 Assault And Battery Threat Commit Act Mass Violence School Property
5-14-103(a)(1)and(c)(1) Sexual Offenses Rape Forcible Compulsion
5-14-103(a)(1)and(c)(2) Sexual Offenses Rape Forcible Compulsion - Victim < 14
5-14-103(a)(2)and(c)(1) Sexual Offenses Rape Incapable of Consent
5-14-103(a)(2)and(c)(2) Sexual Offenses Rape Incapable of Consent - Victim < 14
5-14-110(a)(4)(B) Offense Involving Family Sexual Indecency with Child by Court Ordered Supv Officer
5-14-112 Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Indecent exposure - 4th and 5th offense
5-14-113(a)(1)and(b) Illegal Food Coupons Sexual Extortion, Coerce to Engage in Sexual Contact
5-14-113(a)(2)and(b) Illegal Food Coupons Sexual Extortion, Produce or Distribute Recording
5-14-113(a)(3)and(b) Illegal Food Coupons Sexual Extortion, Knowing Coercion
5-14-123 Sexual Offenses Knowingly exposing another to HIV
5-14-124(a)(1)(B) Abuse Of Adults Sexual Assault by Court Ordered Supervision Officer, 1st Deg
5-14-124(a)(2) Abuse Of Adults Sexual assault first degree by school personnel K-12
5-14-125(a)(4)(A)(ii) Abuse Of Adults Sexual Assault by Court Ordered Supervision Officer, 2nd Deg
5-14-125(a)(6)(b)(1) Sexual Offenses Sexual Assault 2nd Degree
5-14-125(b)(1) Sexual Offenses Sexual Assault-2nd Degree
5-14-125(b)(2) Sexual Offenses Sexual Assault 2nd Deg by Minor LT 15 not Spouse
5-14-126(a)(1)(A)or(C)and(c) Abuse Of Adults Sexual Assault 3rd Deg Actor postn Trust/Authority ovr victm
5-14-126(a)(1)(B)and(c) Abuse Of Adults Sex Asslt by Crt Ord Supv,3rd deg, Actr in position of trust
5-14-128(a)(2) Theft Level 4 Registered Sex Offender Residing W/I 2000' of Church
5-14-132(b)and(e)_3 Theft Level 3 Reg Sex Offn Prohib fr Entrng Public Schl w/o Notice
5-14-132(b)and(e)_4 Theft Level 4 Reg Sex Offn Prohib fr Entrng Public Schl w/o Notice
5-14-132(f) Theft Lvl 3/4 Reg Sex Offn Prohib Entrng Private Schl w/o Permissn
5-14-133(b)and(c) Theft Lvl 3/4 Reg Sex Offender Prohibited From Entering Water Park
5-14-134(b)and(c) Corruption Of Public Office Reg Offdner prohibit frm swim/child playgnd in AR State Park
5-14-135(b)(1)(d) Theft Level 3/4 Reg Sex Offender Distribute Candy Halloween
5-14-135(b)(2)(d) Theft Level 3/4 Reg Sex Offender Prohibit Mask/Costume Halloween
5-17-101 Forgery Death threat concerning school employee or student
5-18-103 (a)(7)and (c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Traffic Prsn-Benft Rcruit Preg Wmn Cause Plmt Unbrn Bby-Mino
5-18-103(a)(1)-(4) & (c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office DO NOT USE-Trafficking of Persons
5-18-103(a)(1)-(4) & (c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office DO NOT USE Trafficking of Persons - Victim is a Minor
5-18-103(a)(1)-(4)and(c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Trafficking of Persons
5-18-103(a)(1)-(4)and(c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Trafficking of Persons - Victim is a Minor
5-18-103(a)(5)and(c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Trafficking of Persons Selling/Advertising Travel Services
5-18-103(a)(5)and(c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Trafficking of Persons Selling/Advertising Travel Serv Minor
5-18-103(a)(6) & (c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office DONOTUSE Trafck Pers-Recrt Preg Woman Cause Plmt Unborn Baby
5-18-103(a)(6) & (c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office DO NOT USE Trf Prn-Rect Preg Wmn Cause Plmt Unborn Baby-Mino
5-18-103(a)(6)and(c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Traffick Persons-Recruit Preg Woman Cause Plmt Unborn Baby
5-18-103(a)(6)and(c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Traffick Person-Recruit Preg Wmn Cause Plmt Unborn Bby-Minor
5-18-103(a)(7) & (c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office DONT USE Tr Prsn-Bnft Fr Rect Preg Wmn Cause Plmt Unborn Bby
5-18-103(a)(7) & (c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office DONTUSE TrfPrsn-Bnft Rcrt Preg Wmn Cause Plmt Unbrn Bby-Mino
5-18-103(a)(7)and(c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Traffic Prsn-Benft Fr Recruit Preg Wmn Cause Plmt Unborn Bby
5-18-103(a)(7)and(c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Traffic Prsn-Benft Rcruit Preg Wmn Cause Plmt Unbrn Bby-Mino
5-18-103(a)(c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Trafficking of a person knowingly
5-18-103(a)(c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Trafficking of a person if the victim was a minor
5-18-104 (a)and(b)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Patronizing a victim of human trafficking
5-18-104(a)and(b)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Patronizing victim human traffic vic is a minor
5-18-107(b)and(c) Corruption Of Public Office Traveling for Purpose of an Unlawful Sex Act with Minor
5-26-204(c)(1) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Defraud Prospective Adop Parent=> ,000 or 2nd or Subs Off
5-26-204(c)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Defraud Prospective Adoptive Parent => 0 < ,500
5-26-303 (a)(7)and(b)(2) Abuse Of Adults Domestic Battering 1st Degree-Victim 4 Yrs of Age or Younger
5-26-303(a)(6)and (b)(2)(B)(i) Abuse Of Adults Domestic Battering 1st Degree -Use Firearm Agst Pregnant Wmn
5-26-303(a)(6)and(b)(1) Offense Involving Family Domestic Battering I, Use of a deadly Weapon
5-26-303(a)(6)and(b)(2)(A) Abuse Of Adults Domestic Battering I Use of Deadly Weapon to Pregnant Woman
5-26-303(a)(6)and(b)(2)(B) Abuse Of Adults Domestic Battering I, Use of a Deadly Weapon (Subsq. Offnse)
5-26-303(b)(1) Offense Involving Family Domestic Battering-1st Degree
5-26-303(b)(2) Abuse Of Adults Domestic Battering 1st Arrest Date 7-30-1999
5-26-304(b)(1) Abuse Of Adults Domestic Battering-2nd Degree
5-26-304(b)(2) Abuse Of Adults Domestic Battery-2nd Deg (Subq Offense or to Pregnant Woman)
5-26-305(b)(2) Offense Involving Family Domestic Battering 3rd Deg
5-26-306(a)(2)or(a)(3)&(b) Offense Involving Family Agg Asslt On Fam/Household
5-26-306(a)(2)or(a)(3)and(b) Offense Involving Family Agg Asslt On Fam/Household
5-26-501 Offense Involving Family Interference w Visitation - Minor Taken or Kept Out of State
5-26-503(a)(b) Offense Involving Family Interference With Custody
5-27-211(b)(1)-(b)(3)and(d) Medicaid Fraud Re-homing of an Adopted Minor
5-27-303(a) Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Engaging Child in Sex Explicit Conduct - Offender >= 18
5-27-303(a)(1) or (b)(1) Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Engage Child Sex Explct-Ofn>=18 or Par/Gard of Victm-1st Off
5-27-303(a)(2) or (b)(2) Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Engage Child Sex Explct-Ofn>=18 or Par/Gard of Victm-Sub Off
5-27-303(b) Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Engage Child in Sex Explicit Conduct-Offender is Parnt/Guard
5-27-305(a) & (b) Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Transportation of a Minor for Prohibited Sexual Conduct
5-27-306(a)(1)and(b)(1)(A) Theft Internet Stalking of Child, arr mtg with child 15 or younger
5-27-306(a)(1)and(b)(2) Theft Internet Stalking of Child Mtg Occurs w/Chld 15yrs or Yngr
5-27-306(a)(2)and(b)(1)(B) Theft Internet Stalk of Child, Arr Mtg w Persn Held Out 15 or Yngr
5-27-306(a)(2)and(b)(2) Theft Internet Stalk of Child Mtg Occurs w/Per Held Out 15yrs/Yngr
5-27-306(a)(3)and(b)(1)(A) Theft Internet Stalk of Child, compile id info chldrn 15 or yngr
5-27-306(a)(4)and(b)(1)(B) Theft Internt Stalk of Child, compile id info pern held out 15/yng
5-27-306(a)(5)and(b)(1)(c) Theft Internet Stalking of Child, Arr Mtg with Parent or Guardian
5-27-307(b)and(c )(1) Corruption Of Public Office Sexually grooming a child
5-27-307(c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Sexual Grooming a Child
5-27-402(c)(1) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Emply Auth Child <18 Sex Perf-1st Off
5-27-402(c)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Emply Auth Child <18 Sex Per-Subs off
5-27-403 (a) & (b) Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Produce/Direct Sexual Performance of Child < 17
5-27-403(b) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Prod/Dir Sexual Performance Child <18
5-27-605 (a) Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Computer Exploitation of Child 1st Degree
5-27-605(a)(2)(A) Abuse Of Adults Computer exploitation of a child -1st degree, 1st offense
5-27-605(a)(2)(B) Theft Computer exploitation of a child -1st deg, 2nd and Sub Off
5-28-103 Offense Involving Family Abuse of adults
5-29-203(b)(1) Abuse Of Adults Abuse of a vulnerable person- serious phys injury
5-29-203(b)(2) Abuse Of Adults Abuse of a vulnerable person-physical injury
5-29-204(b)(1) Abuse Of Adults Neglect of a vulnerable person- serious phys injury
5-36-103 (b)(3)(I) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property - Postal Package
5-36-103 (b)(3)(J) Theft Theft of Property - Sub. Conviction
5-36-103(b)(1)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property > ,000
5-36-103(b)(1)(B) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property Obtnd by Threat of Serious Physical Injury
5-36-103(b)(1)(C) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property Obtnd By Threat of Fiduciary
5-36-103(b)(1)(D) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property (Anhydrous Ammonia)
5-36-103(b)(1)(D)(iii) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property Utility Property Value >= 0
5-36-103(b)(1)(E)(i) Corruption Of Public Office Theft of Utlity Property and Value is =>0
5-36-103(b)(2)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property >= ,000 < ,000
5-36-103(b)(2)(B) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property Obtained by Threat
5-36-103(b)(2)(C) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property (Firearm) >,500
5-36-103(b)(2)(D) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property (Bldg Materials)>0
5-36-103(b)(2)(E) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property (State Emergency) >0
5-36-103(b)(2)(F) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Oil/Gas Equip. Value > ,000 <= ,000
5-36-103(b)(3(E) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property (Livestock) > 0
5-36-103(b)(3)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property >= ,000 < ,000
5-36-103(b)(3)(B) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property (Firearm) < ,500
5-36-103(b)(3)(C) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property (Credit/Debit Card)
5-36-103(b)(3)(D) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Property (State Emergency) >= 0 < 0
5-36-103(b)(3)(F) Corruption Of Public Office Theft of property (Power, Gas, Water, Wire Lines)
5-36-104(c)(1)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Services >= ,000
5-36-104(c)(1)(B) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Services Obtnd By Threat of Serious Physical Injury
5-36-104(c)(1)(C) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Services Obtnd By Fiduciary
5-36-104(c)(1)(D) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Services (Utility Service Result in Contamination)
5-36-104(c)(2)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Services > ,000< ,000
5-36-104(c)(2)(B) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Services Obtained by Threat
5-36-104(c)(3)(2011) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Services > ,000<= ,000
5-36-105 Theft Theft of Property (Lost/Mislaid/Delivered Mistake) >=00
5-36-106(e)(1) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft By Receiving >=,000
5-36-106(e)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft By Receiving > ,000 < ,000
5-36-106(e)(2)(b)(iii) Corruption Of Public Office Theft by Receiving Firearm Value < 00
5-36-106(e)(3)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft by Receiving > ,000 <= ,000
5-36-106(e)(3)(b)(iii) Corruption Of Public Office Theft by Receiving Firearm Value < 00
5-36-106(e)(3)(B) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft by Receiving (Credit/Debit or Firearm) <00
5-36-109(b)(1)(A)&(b)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Operating a Chop Shop-own, operate, conduct
5-36-109(b)(1)(B)&(b)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Operating a Chop Shop-transport to or from chop shop
5-36-109(b)(1)(C)&(b)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Operating a Chop Shop - sell, transfer, etc
5-36-109(b)(1)(D)&(b)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Operating a Chop Shop - modify or remove VIN
5-36-109(c)(1)&(c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Dealing in stolen or forged parts
5-36-115 (A) Homicide Theft of leased/rented property > ,000 < ,000
5-36-115 (B) Homicide Theft of leased/rented property =>,000
5-36-115(g)(1)(B) Medicaid Fraud Theft of Leased/Rented Prprty, Obtaind by Threat/Serious Inj
5-36-115(g)(1)(C) Medicaid Fraud Theft of Leasd/Rentd Proprty,Obtained by Threat of Fiduciary
5-36-115(g)(3)(A) Homicide Theft of Leased/Rented Property - Value > ,000 < ,000
5-36-115(g)(3)(B) Homicide Theft of Leased/Rented Property - Firearm - Value < ,500
5-36-115(g)(3)(C) Homicide Theft Leased/Rntd Prprty State Emrgcy Value > 0 < 0
5-36-123 (A) Theft Theft of scrap metal => ,000 < ,000
5-36-123 (B) Theft Theft of scrap metal =>,000
5-36-123 (c)(1)(D) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Scrap Metal - Utility Property - Value >0
5-36-123 (c)(3)(A) Medicaid Fraud Theft of Scrap Metal - Value > ,000 <,000
5-36-123(c )(2)(B) Medicaid Fraud Theft of Scrap Metal Obtained by Threat
5-36-123(c)(1)(B) Medicaid Fraud Theft of Scrap Metal Obtained by Threat of Harm/Destruction
5-36-123(c)(1)(C) Medicaid Fraud Theft of Scrap Metal Obtained by Threat of Fiduciary
5-36-124(c)(1)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft by Receiving Scrap Metal > ,000
5-36-124(c)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft by Receiving Scrap Metal 2nd or Subs Offense
5-36-125(a)and(b)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Unlawful transfer of stolen property to pawn shop/broker
5-36-126 (b) and (f) Theft Theft of a Catalytic Converter
5-36-126 (c) and (g)(2) Theft Unauthorized Possession of a Catalytic Converter
5-36-303(b)(2)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Wireless Service > ,000 <= ,000
5-36-303(b)(2)(B) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Wireless Service to Communicate Threat
5-36-303(b)(3)(A) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Wireless Service > ,000 < ,000
5-36-303(b)(3)(B) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Wireless Service - Subs Offense
5-36-303(b)(3)(C) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Wireless Service Prev Conv Other Juris
5-36-303(b)(4) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Theft of Wireless Service >=,000
5-36-401 Abuse Of Adults Unlawful Use of Theft Detection Shield Device - Subq Offense
5-36-402 Abuse Of Adults Unlawful Poss Theft Detection Shield Device - Subq Offense
5-36-403 Abuse Of Adults Unlawful Poss Theft Detection Device Remover - Subq Offense
5-36-404 Abuse Of Adults Unlawful Removal Theft Detection Device - Subq Offense
5-37-201(a)(2) or (a)(3)(d) Corruption Of Public Office Forgery 1st Degree (Purpose to Defraud)
5-37-201(a)(2)or(a)(3)&(d) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Forgery 1st Degree
5-37-201(a)(2)or(a)(3)&(e) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Forgery 2nd Degree
5-37-201(a)(2)or(a)(3)and(d) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Forgery 1st Degree
5-37-201(a)(2)or(a)(3)and(e) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Forgery 2nd Degree
5-37-202 (a)(2) or (a)(3)(e) Corruption Of Public Office Forgery 2nd Degree (Purpose to Defraud)
5-37-207(b)(1) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Fradulent Use of a Credit Card or Debt Card >= ,000
5-37-207(b)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Fradulent Use of a Credit Card>,000<,000
5-37-207(b)(3) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Fradulent Use of a Credit Card or Debit Card >,000<=,000
5-37-208(b)(1)(f)and(b)(2)(A) Corruption Of Public Office Criminal Impersonation II, US Armed Forces or Nat Guard
5-37-208(b)(1)and(b)(2)(A) Corruption Of Public Office Criminal impersonation II
5-37-216(b) and (c)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Defraud Prospective Adop Parent=> ,500
5-37-216(b) and (c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Defraud Prospective Adoptive Parent => 0 < ,500
5-37-217 (b) and (c)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Healthcare Fraud-Aggregate Amnt w/in 1 yr > ,500< ,000
5-37-217 (b) and (c)(3) Corruption Of Public Office Healthcare Fraud-Aggregate Amnt w/in 1 yr > ,000< ,000
5-37-217(a)and(b)(2)(A) Corruption Of Public Office Healthcare fraud - ,000 or more
5-37-217(a)and(b)(2)(B) Corruption Of Public Office Healthcare fraud - ,000 or more
5-37-217(a)and(b)(2)(C ) Corruption Of Public Office Healthcare fraud - ,000 or more
5-37-217(a)and(b)(2)(D) Corruption Of Public Office Healthcare fraud - ,000,000 or more
5-37-217(b)and(c)(4) Abuse Of Adults Healthcare Fraud - Aggregate Amount w/I 1 Year>=000
5-37-217(b)and(c)(4) Corruption Of Public Office Healthcare Fraud - Aggregate Amount w/I 1 Year>=000
5-37-219 Illegal Food Coupons Unlawful Possession of a Skimmer
5-37-226(b)(1)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. File Instrument Affect Title Real Prop Second or Subs Off
5-37-226(b)(2) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. File Instrument Affect Title Real Prop Victim Off Duties
5-37-227 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Non-Financial Identity Fraud
5-37-227 - C Felony Judical And Other Off.Proc. Non Financial Identity Fraud if Victim Elderly or Disabled
5-37-227(a)(1)and(e)(1) Theft Fin ID Fraud access/obtain records/submit to fin institutn
5-37-227(a)(1)and(e)(2) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Fin ID Fraud Access/Obtain Records/Submit - Elderly Victim
5-37-227(a)(2)and(e)(1) Theft Financial Identity Fraud- using a scanning device or skimmer
5-37-227(a)(2)and(e)(2) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Fin ID Fraud Using Scanning Dev/Skimmer - Elderly/Disab Vict
5-37-227(a)(3)and(e)(1) Theft Financial ID Fraud transferring fin info to another person
5-37-227(a)(3)and(e)(2) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Fin ID Fraud Transfer Fin Info to Another, Elderly/Disabled
5-37-227(b)(e)(1) Theft Financial Identity Fraud
5-37-227(b)(e)(2) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Financial Identity Fraud if Victim Elderly or Disabled
5-37-227(b)(f)(1) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Non-Financial Identity Fraud
5-37-227(b)(f)(2) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Non-Financial Identity Fraud if Victim Elderly or Disabled
5-37-302(b)(2)(A) Medicaid Fraud Hot Check Any One Inst >= ,000
5-37-302(b)(2)(B) Medicaid Fraud Hot Chk > One Inst W/I 90 days each < ,000 Tot >= ,000
5-37-302(b)(3)(A) Medicaid Fraud Hot Check Any One Inst > ,000 < ,000
5-37-302(b)(3)(B) Medicaid Fraud Hot Check > One Inst W/I 90 days each <= ,000 Tot > ,000
5-37-302(b)(4)(A) Medicaid Fraud Hot Check Any One Inst > ,000 <= ,000
5-37-302(b)(4)(B) Medicaid Fraud Hot Check > One Inst W/I 90 days each <= ,000 Tot > ,000
5-37-305(b)(1)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Hot Check >= ,000
5-37-305(b)(1)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Hot Check Total >= ,000
5-37-305(b)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Hot Check > ,000< ,000
5-37-305(b)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Hot Check Total > ,000< ,000
5-37-305(b)(3)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Hot Check > ,000 <= ,000
5-37-305(b)(3)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Hot Check Total > ,000 <= ,000
5-37-402(c)(3) Medicaid Fraud Theft of Comm devices, two/more prior offenses of 50+ device
5-38-202 Homicide Causing a catastrophe
5-38-203(b)(2) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Criminal Mischief - 1st Degree (Damage > ,000 <= ,000)
5-38-203(b)(3) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Criminal Mischief-1st Degree (Damage>,000<,000)
5-38-203(b)(4) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Crim Mischief-1st Degree (Damage>= ,00)
5-38-204(b)(2)(2011) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Criminal Mischief - 2nd Degree (Damage = ,000)
5-38-206 Theft Damaging Wire and Other Fixture of Phone, Cable and Power Co
5-38-207 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Unlawful to destroy/remove grave marker
5-38-301(a)(1)(G) Offenses Against Child/Incomp. Arson, Real Property damage >00
5-39-201 Forgery Burglary - Residential
5-39-201(a) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Burglary
5-39-203(a)and(b)(1) Illegal Food Coupons Criminal Trepass
5-39-305 (a)and(b)(1)(A) Public Finance Criminal Trespass Premises Located Unincorp Area - 2+ Prior
5-4-501(a) Habitual Offender Habitual Offender
5-4-501(b) Habitual Offender Habitual Offender
5-4-501(c) Habitual Offender Habitual Offender
5-4-501(d) Habitual Offender Habitual Offender
5-41-205 Abuse Of Adults Unlawful acts involving electronic mail
5-52-101(a) Theft Abuse of public trust
5-52-101(a)and(c)(3) Theft DONT USE Abse Pblc Trst Prsn Nt Yt Ocpy Ofc
5-52-107 (a) and (b)(1) Corruption Of Public Office Abuse of Office-Occupy/Not Occpy Ofce-Vlue Bnfit >,000
5-52-107(a) and (b)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Abuse of Office-Occpy/Not Occpy Ofce-Vlue Bnft >K
5-52-107(a)and(b)(3) Theft Abuse Publc Trust Prsn Not Yet Occpy Offc Beneft >0
5-53-102(a)(2)and(b) Kidnapping And Related Offense Perjury/Absentee Balllot
5-53-102(a)(3)and(c) Kidnapping And Related Offense Perjury knwng makng false unswrn decl Unfrm Unswrn Forgn Dec
5-53-108 (2019) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Witness Bribery
5-53-109 (2019) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Intimidating a Witness
5-53-110 (b)(1) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Tampering
5-53-111 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Tamper Physical Evidence Impairs /Obstructs Prosecution /Def
5-53-112 (2019) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Retaliation Against Certain Informants
5-53-115 Judical And Other Off.Proc. Jury Tampering
5-53-131 (b) Kidnapping And Related Offense Frivolous,Groundless,Malicious Prosecute/Sbjt Prsn Dlyed Rle
5-53-134(a)(1)or(a)(2),(b)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Violation of Order of Protection w/in 5 years of prev violtn
5-53-134(a)(3)and(b)(2) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Violation of Military Order of Protection w/in 5 yrs prev
5-54-119(b)(1)(A) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Poss Prohb Artcle Facilitate Esc/Crim Entrprse/Viol in Fac
5-54-119(b)(1)(B) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Furnishing, Possessing, or Using Prohibited Article
5-54-119(c)(1)(A)or(B) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Poss Prohib Article Inmate/Persn in Custdy in Poss Cell Dev
5-54-119(c)(1)(C) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Poss Prohib Article Inmate/Persn in Custody-Controlled Subst
5-54-119(d) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Use Prob Artcles,Inm Use to Fac Esc, Crmnl Entps, or Vio Fel
5-54-119(e)(1)and(e)(2)(A) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Deliver Contr Substance by Inm with Death/Serious Injury
5-54-119(e)(1)and(e)(2)(B) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Deliver Controlled Substance by Inmate
5-54-120 Kidnapping And Related Offense Failure to Appear
5-54-120(b) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Fail To Appear on Felony (FTA)
5-54-120(b)(2) Corruption Of Public Office Fail To Appear Regarding Order Issued Before Revocation Hear
5-54-122 (c)(1)(F) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Filing False Rprt of Crime -Aggv Circumstance Delay Release
5-54-125 Kidnapping And Related Offense Fleeing with serious injury
5-54-125 (d)(2) Kidnapping And Related Offense Fleeing in Vehcle/Convynce w/ Subs Danger Cause Death/Physcl
5-54-125 (d)(3) Kidnapping And Related Offense Fleeing in Vehicle or Conveyance w/ Serious Physical Injury
5-54-125(d)(3) Kidnapping And Related Offense Fleeing in Vehicle/Convey Subs. Danger Death/Physical Injury
5-54-126 Kidnapping And Related Offense Killing animal used by law enforcement agency
5-54-131(a)(3) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Absconding-Person Released Pending Bed Space at ADC or ACC
5-54-134 Assault And Battery Disarming an Officer
5-55-103 Theft Illegal medicaid participation - 2nd offense
5-55-103 -3rd Theft Illegal Medicaid Participation - Third and Subq. Offense
5-55-103 (b)(3) Medicaid Fraud Violation of Medicaid Fraud Act-Payments Claimed > ,000
5-55-103(a)(2)(A) Medicaid Fraud Violation Medicaid Fraud Act Payments Claimed =>00 <00
5-55-103(b)(2) Medicaid Fraud Violation of Medicaid Fraud Act-Payments Claimed >K < K
5-55-201 Offense Involving Family Traffic in Illegal food Coupons or Vouchers
5-55-501 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Lottery Fraud
5-60-101 Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Abuse of Corpse
5-60-101(b) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Abuse of Corpse
5-60-124 Theft Interference with Emergency Communication in First Degree
5-60-125 Theft Interference with Emergency Communication in Second Degree
5-61-101 Robbery Knowingly Inducing Abortion without Medical License
5-62-104(a)and(b) Forgery Aggravated Cruelty to a Dog, Cat or Equine (1st Offense)
5-62-104(a)and(c) Forgery Aggravated Cruelty to Dog, Cat or Equine (2nd or Sub Offnse)
5-62-120 Sexual Offenses Unlawful Animal Fighting - 1st Degree
5-64-1102(a)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Pseudophed Etc W Purp to Man Meth <= 10g
5-64-1102(a)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Pseudophed Ect W Purp to Man Meth >10g
5-64-1102(b)(2) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Pseudophed Ect W Purp to Man Meth Sched l,ll > 28g
5-64-1102(c)(1) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Unlawful Distribution Pseudophed Etc W/Purpose Manufacture
5-64-1102(c)(2) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Unlawful Sale Transfer Pseudophed Etc
5-64-401(a)(1)(A)(i) Disloyal Conduct Manf, Del, Poss Contr Subs Sch I,II LT 28 GMS
5-64-402(b)(1) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Maintain Drug Premises
5-64-402(b)(2) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Maintain Drug Premisis Drug Free Zone
5-64-403(a)(1) Disloyal Conduct Controlled Substances - Fraud. Pract. Knowingly Distribute
5-64-403(a)(2) Disloyal Conduct Controlled Substances - Fraud. Pract. Knowingly Acquire
5-64-403(a)(3) Disloyal Conduct Controlled Substances - Fraud. Pract. Knowingly Furnish
5-64-403(a)(4) Disloyal Conduct Controlled Substances - Fraud. Pract. Knowingly Trademark
5-64-403(a)(5)(a)(2)(A) Corruption Of Public Office Controlled Substances - Fraud. Pract. - Sched I or II
5-64-403(a)(5)(a)(2)(B) Corruption Of Public Office Controlled Substances - Fraud. Pract. - Sched III, IV or V
5-64-403(b)(1) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Drug Fraud - Fraudulent Practices
5-64-403(b)(2) Controlled Substance Drug fraud
5-64-403(b)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Drug Fraud-Non-Controlled Subs Rep as Sched l,ll
5-64-403(b)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Drug Fraud - Non-Controlled Subs Rep as Sched lll,lV,V
5-64-403(B)(1)(A) Controlled Substance Paraphernalia to manufacture methamphetamine
5-64-405 Slander Continuing Criminal Enterprise
5-64-419 (b)(4)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched lV,V => 28g < 200g
5-64-419 (b)(5)(iii) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched Vl =>4 oz<10lbs
5-64-419(b)(1)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Meth Cocaine < 2g
5-64-419(b)(1)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Meth Cocaine => 2g < 10g
5-64-419(b)(1)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Meth Cocaine => 10g < 200g
5-64-419(b)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Excluding Meth Cocaine < 2g
5-64-419(b)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine => 2g< 28g
5-64-419(b)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine => 2g< 28g
5-64-419(b)(2)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine => 28g < 200g
5-64-419(b)(3)(A)(ii) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Poss Cont Sub Sched lll<2G and 4 or more prev convictions
5-64-419(b)(3)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched lll => 2g < 28g
5-64-419(b)(3)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched lll => 28g< 200g
5-64-419(b)(3)(D) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched lll => 200g < 400g
5-64-419(b)(4)((D) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched lV,V=> 400g < 800g
5-64-419(b)(4)(A)(i) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Possess Controlled Substance Sched IV,V < 28g
5-64-419(b)(4)(A)(ii) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Poss Cont Sub Sched IV or V<28g and 4 or more prev convict
5-64-419(b)(4)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched lV,V => 28g < 200g
5-64-419(b)(4)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched lV,V => 200g < 400g
5-64-419(b)(4)(D) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched lV,V=> 400g < 800g
5-64-419(b)(5)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched VI, =>1oz <4oz & 4 or more prev convict
5-64-419(b)(5)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched VI, => 4oz and <10 lbs
5-64-419(b)(5)(D) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched VI, => 10 lbs and < 25 lbs
5-64-419(b)(5)(E) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched VI, => 25 lbs and < 100 lbs
5-64-419(b)(5)(ii) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched Vl => 1 oz < 4 oz and 4 Prior Conv
5-64-419(b)(5)(iii) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched Vl => 4 oz < 10 lbs
5-64-419(b)(5)(iv) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched Vl => 10 lbs < 25 lbs
5-64-419(b)(5)(iv) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched Vl => 10 lbs < 25 lbs
5-64-419(b)(5)(v) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched Vl => 25 lbs < 100 lbs
5-64-419(b)(5)(vi) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Possess Controlled Substance Sched VI=> 100lbs < 500 lbs.
5-64-419(B)(5)(F) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss Cont Sub Sched VI, => 100 lbs and < 500 lbs
5-64-419(c) Disloyal Conduct Possession of a controlled substance (enhancement)
5-64-420(b)(1) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purpose Del Meth Cocaine < 2g
5-64-420(b)(2) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Meth Cocaine => 2g< 10g
5-64-420(b)(3) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Possess W Purpose Del Meth Cocaine=> 10g < 200g
5-64-421(a) Disloyal Conduct Possession of Fentanyl
5-64-421(b) Disloyal Conduct Possession of Fentanyl w/Purpose to Deliver
5-64-421(c) Disloyal Conduct Delivery of Fentanyl
5-64-421(d) Disloyal Conduct Manufacture of Fentanyl
5-64-422(b)(1) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Deliver Meth Cocaine < 2g
5-64-422(b)(2) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Deliver Meth Cocaine => 2g < 10g
5-64-422(b)(3) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Deliver Meth Cocaine=> 10g< 200g
5-64-423 (a)(3) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Manufacture Meth/Coke (1 or more prior convictions any amt)
5-64-423 (a)(a) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Manufacture Methamphetamine 2nd or Subs Offense
5-64-423(a)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Manufacture Methamphetamine < 2g
5-64-423(a)(2)(B)((i) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Manufacture Methamphetamine => 2g
5-64-423(a)(2)(B)(ii) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Man. Methamphetamine=>2g Personal Use Only
5-64-423(b)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Manufacture Cocaine < 2g
5-64-423(b)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Manufacture Cocaine => 2g < 10g
5-64-423(b)(2)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Manufacture Cocaine => 10g < 200g
5-64-424(b)(1) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine < 2g
5-64-424(b)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine=>2g<28g
5-64-424(b)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Hydromorophone => 80 DU < 160 DU
5-64-424(b)(2)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub LSD => 80 DU < 160 DU
5-64-424(b)(2)(D) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Cont SubSched l,ll DepHall=>80DU<160DU<=200g
5-64-424(b)(2)(E) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp DelContSubSched l,ll Stimulent=>80DU<160DU<=200g
5-64-424(b)(3)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Contd Sub Sched l.ll Ex Meth Coc=>28g<200g
5-64-424(b)(3)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Contd Sub Hydromorphone =>160 DU=>128mg<200g
5-64-424(b)(3)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Contd Sub LSD=> 160 DU < 200g
5-64-424(b)(3)(D) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Contd Sub Sched l.ll Depr Hall =>160DU<200g
5-64-424(b)(3)(E) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Poss W Purp Del Contd Sub Sch l.ll Stimulant=>160 DU < 200g
5-64-426 (c)(1) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Del Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine < 2g
5-64-426(c)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Del Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine=> 2g < 28g
5-64-426(c)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Del Cont Sub Hydromorophone => 80 DU < 160 DU
5-64-426(c)(2)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Del Cont Sub LSD => 80 DU < 160 DU
5-64-426(c)(2)(D) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Del Cont Sub Sched l,ll Dep Hall =>80 DU<160 DU<=200g
5-64-426(c)(2)(E) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Del Cont Sub Sched l,ll Stimulent=>80DU<160DU<=200g
5-64-426(c)(3)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Deliver Cont Sub Sch l.ll Exclud Meth Cocaine=> 28g < 200g
5-64-426(c)(3)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Deliver Cont Sub Hyromorophone => 160 DU < 200g
5-64-426(c)(3)(C) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Deliver Cont Sub LSD => 160 DU < 200g
5-64-426(c)(3)(D) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Deliver Cont Sub Sch l.ll Depr Hall=> 160 DU < 200g
5-64-426(c)(3)(E) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Deliver Cont Sub Sch l.ll Stimulent=> 160 DU < 200g
5-64-427 (c)(3)(C) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Substance LSD => 160DU < 200g
5-64-427(c)(1) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Man Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine < 2g
5-64-427(c)(2)(A) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Man Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine=>2g<28g
5-64-427(c)(2)(B) Burglary,Trespass & Intrus. Man Cont Sub Hydromorophone=> 80 DU < 160 DU
5-64-427(c)(2)(C) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub LSD => 80 DU < 160 DU
5-64-427(c)(2)(D) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched l,ll Dep Hall=>80DU<160DU<=200g
5-64-427(c)(2)(E) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched l,ll Stimulent=>80DU<160DU<=200g
5-64-427(c)(3)(A) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched l.ll Ex Meth Cocaine => 28g < 200g
5-64-427(c)(3)(B) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Hydromorphone => 160 DU < 200g
5-64-427(c)(3)(D) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched l.ll Dep Hallucinogenic=> 160 DU < 200g
5-64-427(c)(3)(E) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched l.ll Stimulent => 160 DU < 200g
5-64-428 (b)(1)(A) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub lll < 28g
5-64-428(b)(1)(B) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lll Dep Hall => 40 DU<80 DU
5-64-428(b)(1)(C) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lll Stimulent => 40 DU < 80DU
5-64-428(b)(2)(A) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lll => 28g < 200g
5-64-428(b)(2)(B) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Pup Del Cont Sub Sced lll Dep Hall => 80 DU < 160DU
5-64-428(b)(2)(C) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lll Stimulent=>80 DU < 160 DU
5-64-428(b)(3)(A) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lll => 200g < 400g
5-64-428(b)(3)(B) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lll Dep Hall => 160 DU
5-64-428(b)(3)(C) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lll Stimulent => 160 DU
5-64-430(b)(1) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Controlled Substance Sche lll < 28g
5-64-430(b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Cont Sub Sched lll=> 28g < 200g
5-64-430(b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Cont Sub Sched lll => 200g<400g
5-64-431(b)(1) Disloyal Conduct Manufacture Controlled Substance Sched lll < 28g
5-64-431(b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched lll => 28g < 200g
5-64-431(b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched lll =>200g
5-64-432(b)(1)(A) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,V<200g
5-64-432(b)(1)(B) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,V Dep Hall => 40DU<80DU
5-64-432(b)(1)(C) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,V Stimulent
5-64-432(b)(2)(A) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,L => 200g < 400g
5-64-432(b)(2)(B) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,l Dep Hall => 80 DU<160 DU
5-64-432(b)(2)(C) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,V Stimulent=>80 DU<160 DU
5-64-432(b)(3)(A) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Suyb Sched lV,V=> 400g<800g
5-64-432(b)(3)(B) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,V Dep Hall=>160DU<800g
5-64-432(b)(3)(C) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,VStimulent=>160DU<800g
5-64-434(b)(1) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Controlled Substance Sched lV,V < 200g
5-64-434(b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Controlled Substance Sched lV,V => 200g< 400g
5-64-434(b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Del Cont Sub Sched lV,V => 400g< 800g
5-64-435(b)(1) Disloyal Conduct Manufacture Controlled Substance Sched lV,V <200g
5-64-435(b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Manufacture Controlled Substance Sched lV,V => 200g < 400g
5-64-435(b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched lV,V => 400g
5-64-436(b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched Vl > 14g < 4 oz
5-64-436(b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched Vl => 4 oz < 25 lbs
5-64-436(b)(4) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched lV,V => 25lbs <1 00lbs
5-64-436(b)(5) Disloyal Conduct Poss W Purp Del Cont Sub Sched VI => 100lbs < 500lbs
5-64-438(b)(1)(B) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Deliver Controlled Substance Sched Vl < 14g and 4 Prior Conv
5-64-438(b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Controlled Substance Sched V >14g < 4oz
5-64-438(b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Controlled Substance Sched Vl => 4 oz < 25 lbs
5-64-438(b)(4) Disloyal Conduct Del Cont Sub Sched Vl => 25lbs< 100lbs
5-64-438(b)(5) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Cont Sub Sched VI => 100 lbs < 500 lbs
5-64-439 (b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched Vl => 4oz < 25 lbs
5-64-439(b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Manufacture Controlled Substance Sched Vl >14g <4 oz
5-64-439(b)(4) Disloyal Conduct Man Cont Sub Sched Vl => 25lbs < 100 lbs
5-64-439(b)(5) Disloyal Conduct Man Con Sub Sched VI => 100 lbs < 500 lbs
5-64-440(b)(c) Disloyal Conduct Trafficking Controlled Substance
5-64-440(b)(c)(2) Disloyal Conduct Trafficking Controlled Substance - Fentanyl
5-64-440(c) Disloyal Conduct Trafficking Controlled Substance
5-64-441(b)(1) Disloyal Conduct Poss Counterfiet Controlled Substance Sched l,ll
5-64-441(b)(3) Disloyal Conduct Poss Conterfiet Controlled Substance 3rd or Subs Offense
5-64-442(b)(1) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Manufacture Counterfeit Controlled Subs Sched l,ll
5-64-442(b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Deliver Manufacture Counterfiet Controlled Sub Sched lll
5-64-443 (a)(2) (2021) Disloyal Conduct Poss Drug Para Manf,Etc.Meth/Cocaine/Heroin/Fntnyl Sub Conv
5-64-443 (b)(1) (2021) Disloyal Conduct Possession of Drug Paraphernalia to Manufacture, Etc.
5-64-443 (b)(2) Disloyal Conduct Poss Drug Paraphernalia Manf,Etc.Meth/Cocaine/Heroin/Fntnyl
5-64-443(a)(2) Disloyal Conduct Poss Drug Paraphernalia Meth Cocaine
5-64-443(b) Disloyal Conduct Poss Drug Paraphernalia Man Meth Cocaine
5-64-443(b) (2011) Disloyal Conduct Use/Possession of Paraphernalia to Manufacture Meth Cocaine
5-64-443(c) Disloyal Conduct Poss Drug Paraphernalia Man Cont
5-64-443(c)_2017 Disloyal Conduct Use/Poss Paraph - Store/Contain/Conceal Control Sub M/C
5-64-443(c)_2019 Disloyal Conduct Use/Poss Paraph - Store/Contain/Conceal Control Sub M/C/H/F
5-64-443(d) Illegal Food Coupons Poss Paraph to Manf (not store) Contl Subst not Meth/Cocaine
5-64-443(d)_2019 Illegal Food Coupons Poss Paraph to Manf (not store) Contl Subst not M/C/H/F
5-64-444(a) Disloyal Conduct Del Drug Para To Minor 3 yrs Younger Than Def During Felony
5-64-445 Disloyal Conduct Adertise Counterfeit Substance Drug Paraphernalia
5-65-111(d)(1) Medicaid Fraud Driving or Boating While Intoxicated - 4th Offense
5-65-111(e)(1) Medicaid Fraud Driving or Boating While Intoxicated - 5th Offense
5-65-111(f)(1) Medicaid Fraud Driving or Boating While Intoxicated - 6th Offense
5-65-122 Judical And Other Off.Proc. DWI 6th or subsequent within 10 years of prior offense
5-65-401 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Man. Delv. Poss Cont Substance
5-68-203(c)(1) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Sell or Poss of Obscene Films
5-71-210(b)(1)(A) Theft Communicating false alarm if physical injury results
5-71-210(b)(1)(B) Theft Communicating false alarm if physical injury results
5-71-229 (a) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Stalking First Degree
5-71-229(a)(1) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Stalking first degree
5-71-229(b) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Stalking 2nd Degree
5-71-229(b)(1) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Stalking Second Degree
5-73-103 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Possession of firearm by certain person
5-73-103(c ) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Possession of firearm by certain person
5-73-103(c)(1) Gang Related Activities Possession of firearms by certain persons (B Felony)
5-73-103(c)(2) Gang Related Activities Possession of firearms by certain persons (D Felony)
5-73-108(a)(1) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Crim. Poss. Explosive Material/Dest. Device
5-73-108(b) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Criminal Distribution Explosive Material
5-73-108(c) Damage Or Destruction Of Prop. Possession of stolen explosive material
5-73-108(f) Assault And Battery Theft of Explosive Mat/to Harm Person/Prop
5-73-109(b) Weapons Furnishing illegal weapon to a minor
5-73-111(b)and(d) Judical And Other Off.Proc. Unlawful Procurement of Firearm/Ammunition
5-73-119(a)(2)(B) Weapons Possession of Handgun by Juvenile Delinquent
5-73-119(b)(2) Weapons Possession of Firearm on School Property or Bus
5-73-129 Weapons Furnishing Prohibited Weapon to Felon
5-73-132 Obstructing Governmental Oper. Sale, Rental, or Transfer of Firearm to Prohibited Person
5-73-133 Theft Furnishing a Taser Stun Gun To a Person <18
5-74-104 Slander Engaging in continuing gang org. or enterprise 2nd degree
5-74-105 Gang Related Activities Unauthorized Use of Property to Facilitate Crime
5-75-102 Slander Aircraft DWI, flight crew
5-79-101(a)(1)or(a)(2)and(c) Corruption Of Public Office Criminal Possession of Body Armor
510601 Mechanics And Materialmen's Li Failure To Discharge Liens
527306 Riot,Disorderly Conduct Internet Stalking
554119(c) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Furnishing, Possessing, or Using Prohibited Articles
554119(d) Obstructing Governmental Oper. Using Prohibited Articles
564401.1 Controlled Substance Man/Del/Poss C/S Schd. I-V
564401.2 Controlled Substance Man/Del/Poss C/S Schd. I-V
564401.3 Controlled Substance Man/Del/Poss C/S Schd. I-V
564401.4 Controlled Substance Man/Del/Poss C/S Scd I-III
564401.5 Controlled Substance Man/Del/Poss Marj >10 <100
564401.6 Controlled Substance Man/Del/Poss Marj. >100
564401.7 Controlled Substance Man/Del/Poss Marij. <10
564401.8 Controlled Substance M/D/P Cntrf Sub W/I-Unschd
564401.9 Controlled Substance M/D/P Cntrf Sub W/I - I-V
564401MM Controlled Substance Man. Methamphetamine
591303 Abuse Of Adults Abuse Of Adults
670723 Forgery Hot Check Viol.
670934 Securities-General Laws Spread False Rep.Cred.Unio
671255 Securities-General Laws Securities Fraud
672221 Securities-General Laws Viol Mort Loan/Broker Law
750178 Transportation-Laws False Evid.Title Or Regist
750508.1 Transportation-Laws Interf. With Traf. Cont DV
750901 Transportation-Laws Fail Stop Acc. Inj/Death
752503 DWI Viol Of DWI 4th Offense
771337 Agricultural-Laws Viol. Publ Grain Warehouse
821904 Environmental Law Viol Law Reg Poll Cont Com
822007 Violation Meat Inspection Laws False Adv.Meat Prod 3rd Of
822617 Controlled Substance Man.Delv.Poss Cont Subs
822618 Controlled Substance Failure Keep Record Distr.
822619 Controlled Substance Fraud Etc Drug Paraphern.
824213 Environmental Law Leave/Remove Viol Hwm Act
999990 DWI DWI (in other state)
999996 Unknown Misdemeanor Offense
999997 Unknown AR Misdemeanors
999998 Unknown Other State Offense
999999 Unknown Unknown