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The Arkansas Department of Corrections

Inmate Search

Information current as of 03/13/2025

Inmate Photo
ADC #653160
Elmore, Marshall
ADC Number
Elmore, Marshall
Hair Color
Eye Color
73 inches
252 lbs.
Birth Date
Initial Receipt Date
Grimes Unit
Facility Address
300 Corrections Drive Newport, AR 72112 Map
Mailing Address
300 Corrections Drive Newport, AR 72112
Custody Classification
Good Time Class
PE/TE Date*
Total Time*
10 yrs.
ADC Incarcerations**
* may be affected by other laws and regulations
** Incarcerations: the number of times an offender has been incarcerated with the Division of Correction. An individual may have multiple incarcerations for a single conviction.


Marshal Elmore Marshall Oren Elmore Oren Marshall Elmore


cross (Names) (Anchor) (Praying Hands)(Scripture) (Monkey Wrench) "latin saying meaning "Come Take It" "Greek Qoute" (Browning Symbol) mushroom (Flames)(Demons) (Arrow) "latin saying meaning "Come Take It" (Alpha and Omega Symbol) (Skulls)(Web) (Flur De Leaf) "Blood" (Pitbull) (Bee Hive with Bee)

Current Prison Sentence History

Offense Sentence Date County Case # Sentence Length
Furnish. Prohibited Art.
- Habitual Offender
10/07/2021 FRANKLIN 2019-240 60 mo.
Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine => 2g< 28g
- Habitual Offender
10/07/2021 FRANKLIN 2019-240 60 mo.
Theft of Property >= ,000 < ,000
- Habitual Offender
11/16/2022 FRANKLIN 2021-418 120 mo.
Theft of Property (Firearm) < ,500
- Habitual Offender
11/16/2022 FRANKLIN 2021-418 120 mo.
Aggravated Assault
- Habitual Offender
11/16/2022 FRANKLIN 2021-418 120 mo.

Prior Prison Sentence History

Note: Data reflected covers periods of incarceration since ---

Offense Sentence Date County Case # Com. Sup. Length
Residential Burglary 07/21/2014 GARLAND 2013-520 60 mo.
Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Meth Cocaine < 2g 08/12/2019 FRANKLIN 2018-179 365 days


Note: Further information may be obtained by contacting the detaining agency

Detainer Date Detainer Agency Charge Type Date Cancelled
08/09/2017 Crawford County Sher Failure To Appear NTFY 10/25/2017
03/28/2022 Franklin County Bond NTFY 03/28/2022

Major Guilty Disciplinary Violations

Disciplinary Violation Date
Employment Misconduct 08/19/2024
Threat(s) To Inflict Injury 08/19/2024

Risk Score/Level

Agency Prepared By Date Completed Risk Score/Level
Ozark 04/24/2015 Medium
Ozark 05/22/2015 Medium
Ozark 06/26/2015 Medium
Ozark 07/31/2015 Medium
Ozark 08/01/2015 Medium
Ozark 08/21/2015 Medium
Ozark 09/18/2015 Medium
Ozark 10/09/2015 Medium
Ozark 11/20/2015 Medium
Ozark 12/18/2015 Medium
Ozark 01/22/2016 Medium
Ozark 01/29/2016 Medium
Ozark 02/12/2016 Medium
Ozark 03/18/2016 Medium
Ozark 04/15/2016 Medium
Ozark 05/20/2016 Medium
Ozark 06/22/2016 Medium
Ozark 07/20/2016 Medium
Ouachita River Correction Unit New Commitment 06/26/2017 Medium
Varner Unit 07/27/2017 Medium
Ozark 12/12/2017 Medium
Franklin County Drug Court 02/28/2019 Medium
SW AR CCC 06/24/2020 Medium
Franklin County Drug Court 08/13/2020 Medium
Franklin County Drug Court 03/03/2021 Medium
Ouachita River Correction Unit New Commitment 12/08/2022 Minimum
Tucker Unit 06/19/2023 Minimum
Mississippi County W/R 07/08/2024 Minimum

Court Orders (Order of Protection, No Contact Order)


Program Achievements

Program Achievement Date of Completion
Parenting 11/12/2014
Drugs 101 02/26/2020
Relapse Prevention 02/26/2020
Money Management 02/26/2020
Life Skills 02/26/2020
Job Readiness 02/26/2020
Family Dynamics 02/26/2020
Parenting Skills 04/13/2022
Faith Based Services 05/04/2022
Chaplaincy 05/12/2022
Anger Management 04/24/2023
Stress Management 04/24/2023
Stress Management 04/28/2023
Communication Skills 05/09/2023
Parenting 05/12/2023
Thinking Errors Group 05/15/2023
Domestic Violence 05/18/2023


Offense Sentence Date County Case # Community Sup Length SIS Probation
Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Meth Cocaine < 2g 02/22/2019 FRANKLIN 2018-179 60 mo.
Furnish. Prohibited Art.
- Habitual Offender
10/07/2021 FRANKLIN 2019-240 60 mo.
Poss Cont Sub Sched l,ll Ex Meth Cocaine => 2g< 28g
- Habitual Offender
10/07/2021 FRANKLIN 2019-240 60 mo.

Prior Probation/SIS History

Offense Sentence Date County Case # Community Sup Length SIS Probation
Residential Burglary 05/20/2004 FRANKLIN 2004-27A 60 mo.